Welcome to Focus Counseling - Please click on the video for a brief introduction.
Focus Counseling
Counseling that fits your needs
Online Services Focus Counseling provides therapy services in an online setting to individuals in Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina. Individuals can participate in counseling services through a secure HIPAA compliant video platform.
Evening appointments available to meet your needs.
Why Use Telehealth (online) Services? Telehealth is a secure video counseling service that allows you to participate in counseling from the comfort of your home or office. This is especially beneficial for adolescents. Telehealth does not require travel time to appointments and encourages participation in counseling from a setting the adolescent finds most comfortable. This can more quickly help the adolescent to relax and engage in counseling when the formality of an office setting is removed.
Serving Individuals in Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina Telehealth expands opportunities for individuals to work with a therapist of choice. Shelly Thome is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC-17691) in Arizona (www.azbbhe.us), Licensed as a TLHT Licensed Mental Health Counselor (TPMC1302) in Florida (www.flhealthsource.gov/telehealth), and a Professional Counselor Telehealth Provider (Credential #197) in South Carolina (https://llr.sc.gov/cou/).
Free 15 Minute "Meet and Greet" Opportunities Schedule your free 15-minute "Meet and Greet" to get to know Shelly and learn more about how we can work together to achieve your goals by emailing [email protected] or call 602-649-4040.
Focus Counseling is affirming and welcoming of all genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. To support diverse individuals, Focus Counseling prioritizes understanding of cultures and backgrounds, and engages in self-reflection for continued personal and professional growth.